Bookly PRO - Appointment Booking and Scheduling Softwares System

Nulled WordPress Plugin Bookly PRO - Appointment Booking and Scheduling Softwares System v8.0 NULLED

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  • Fixed an issue in the prior version
  • Added support for Bookly 23.2
  • Added new options for ‘Minimum time requirement prior to canceling’ setting
  • Added new setting for the modern booking forms: Appearance > Calendar > Available dates in calendar
  • Added ability to modify appointment details in the modern booking forms cart
  • Added ability to hide the staff name on a card content in the modern booking forms
  • Added ability to hide elements in the modern booking forms modal window
  • Added ability to hide specific items in Services filter in modern booking forms (Calendar > Hidden services)
  • Added ability to change the warning about incorrect verification code for step-by-step booking form
  • Added support for the ‘Minimum time requirement prior to booking’ setting in the modern booking forms
  • Added new setting for group appointments in the modern booking forms: Show information about time slot
  • Now deposit amount is not displayed in payment details when the customer pays full price
  • Now it’s impossible to create gift cards with the same code
  • Now Bookly Pro and add-ons are updated automatically when Bookly core plugin is updated
  • Now front-end calendar retains the previously selected display mode
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect timeslots timezone when booking via the modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue with the {booking_number} code in Google Calendar
  • Fixed an issue with the customer gift card after merging customers
  • Fixed an issue with gift cards for customer groups
  • Fixed an issue when the Payments step was not displayed in the modern booking forms when the gift cards payment option was enabled
  • Fixed an issue with the Notes field in the modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue related to the total price payment in the Deposit Payments (Add-on)
  • Fixed an issue with Notification to customer about their WordPress user login details upon creating a customer from Bookly admin panel
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘Do not count appointments in ‘Limit appointments per customer’ with the following statuses’ settings in Settings > Customers
  • Fixed an issue with the work of ‘Remember personal information in cookies’ setting in the modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue with custom fields order in the modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue with generating QR codes when a booking is complete
  • Added support for Bookly 23.1
  • Added support for ‘Verify customer’s contact information at Details step’ feature in the modern booking forms
  • Added ability to use {client_address}, {client_birthday}, {client_full_birthday} codes in ICS description for customers and staff
  • Now full customer address entered using the Google Maps Address (Add-on) is displayed in Appointments > Address
  • Fixed minor issue with html tags in the service title for modern booking forms
  • Added support for Bookly 23.0
  • Added ability to upload an image for a gift card type
  • Added support for ‘Allow duplicate customers=Disable’ feature in the modern forms
  • Fixed an issue with displaying group bookings in Calendar
  • Fixed an issue in the modern booking forms
Download Bookly Pro Addon v7.2 - Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System Nulled Free

Fixed an issue with generating Google Meet links
  • Fixed an issue when appointments were not created if a local payment option was used in modern booking forms
  • Added support for Bookly 22.7
  • Added ability to make address fields required in the modern booking forms
  • Now ‘Remember personal information in cookies’ feature works in the modern booking forms
  • Improved compatibility of the modern booking forms with Safari browser
  • Improved compatibility of Custom Duration (Add-on) with Special Hours (Add-on)
  • Improved the work of gift cards with the Deposit Payments (Add-on)
  • Fixed an issue with missing forms in the Appearance section when refreshing the page
  • Fixed an issue with the work of the ‘Show cards with time slots only’ setting in the modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue with the work of custom payment methods for service and staff
  • Fixed an issue with {staff_category_name} and {staff_category_info} codes in notifications
  • Fixed an issue with time zone switcher in the modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue when gift card was applied to incorrect appointments in case of multiple booking
  • Fixed the work of the {signed_up} code for bookings that do not occupy time
  • Added support for Bookly 22.5
  • Added new ‘Additional’ tab in Settings
  • Added ability to make fields required at the Details step in the modern booking forms
  • Added ability to automatically link a gift card to a customer
  • Added ability to set the URL of Jitsi server used for online meetings
  • Fixed an issue with missing time slots in the modern booking form
  • Fixed an issue when not all appointments triggered events in Zapier
  • Fixed an issue when gift cards with date limits were not visible in the booking form
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect service price for services with custom duration and group booking
  • Added support for Bookly 21.8
  • Added phone field placeholder setting in modern booking forms
  • Improved google maps address autocomplete for additional fields
  • Now data of logged in WP users are filled automatically in modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue with the total price for several persons in modern forms
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect price in modern forms under certain conditions
  • Fixed an issue with payment step in Appearance > modern booking forms
  • Fixed the display of the Services booking form in mobile version
  • Fixed an error in the modern booking form when booking services with zero cost
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect appointment time in modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue with the work of the “Minimum time requirement prior to booking” setting in modern booking forms
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect timezone in notifications when booking was made via modern forms
  • Fixed an issue when non-required customer address fields were not overwritten if left empty in a booking form