Blocksy Companion (Premium)

Nulled WordPress Plugin Blocksy Companion (Premium) v2.0.56 NULLED

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- Improvement: Better handle the integration with Nextend Social plugin and account modal
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.58 Nulled Free
v1.8.58 - 2022-11-17

- Improvement: Correct redirect to dashboard on plugin activation
- Fix: Trending posts taxonomy relationship
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.57 Nulled Free
v1.8.57 - 2022-11-10

- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.56 Nulled Free
v1.8.56 - 2022-11-04

- Improvement: Sticky header shrink with border correctly position floating cart
- Improvement: Better logic for simple XML svg parsing
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.55 Nulled Free
v1.8.55 - 2022-11-03

- Improvement: XML strategy for SVG dimensions when simple xml is absent
- Improvement: Correctly recalculate sticky position on page resize
1.8.54: 2022-10-27
- Improvement: Sticky header makes floating cart cut off under some specific circumstances
- Improvement: Ensure special characters in localize data is correctly sanitized
- Improvement: Better integration with Dokan plugin and account modal extension
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.53 Nulled Free
v1.8.53 - 2022-10-20

- Improvement: Account modal show password strength in Sign Up tab
- Fix: Cookies consent decline button is not translatable
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.51 Nulled Free
v1.8.51: 2022-10-07

- Improvement: Account modal - add show/hide password button in password field
- Fix: Double captcha appears on register modal
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.49 Nulled Free
v1.8.49: 2022-09-22

- Improvement: Better output for product reviews price and currency
Download Blocksy Companion (Premium) v1.8.48 Nulled Free
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