Astra Theme - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website

Nulled WordPress Thème Astra Theme - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website v4.7.0

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Download Astra Theme v4.7.0 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- New: Header Builder - Introducing Header Presets for a quick start with pre-designed headers. ( )
- New: Header Builder - Introducing "Logo SVG Icon" option in "Header Builder > Site Title & Logo". ( )
- Improvement: Updated "Useful Plugins" recommendations on the theme Dashboard for better site owner's experience.
- Improvement: Making EDD downloadable product featured image by default enable.
- Improvement: Switched input field to dropdown menu for Link REL, making it easier to choose options.
- Fix: WooCommerce - The layout type not working on the categories page having 0 products.
- Fix: Header Builder - Account element is overlapping with the header menu on responsive devices.
- Fix: Image Block - UI misaligned issue when the alignment set as Left or Right.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Quantity Selector - With increasing/decreasing quantity there is a violating node error.
- Fix: All headings created by the Heading block in the widget areas had no difference in font size.
Download Astra Theme v4.6.1 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- Fix: PHP fatal error with "Uncaught Error: Class 'Astra_Builder_Base_Dynamic_CSS' not found" when old header-footer is active.
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Download Astra Theme v4.0.2 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- Deprecated: Filter 'astra_single_banner_post_meta' for single post meta markup has been deprecated instead use 'astra_single_post_meta'.
- Fix: get_option database call increase page loads for fetching theme options.
- Fix: exclude_from_search query parameter removed from get_post_types list to get CPTs under Customizer > Custom Post Types section, case of CartFlows Step custom post type.
- Fix: Archive - Title area 2 - Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
- Fix: Text transformed to 'capitalize' for single post titles & archive titles after 4.0.0.
- Fix: Single Post - "Read Time" option missing from metadata.
- Fix: Comment form fields should be stack on responsive devices.
- Fix: iframe breaks out of parent container on responsive devices.
- Fix: UI glitch typography input box control on Firefox browser.
- Fix: Multiple times fetching custom post types list callback executes for dynamic customizer.
- Fix: Theme preview showing title area on the banner section for the homepage.
- Fix: Importing wp-starter-content template on fresh setup overriding the existing site title.
- Fix: Dynamic customizer - Single-archive section titles and taxonomy meta names getting by its slug name instead of title.
- Fix: Admin dashboard's Site Identity quick setting link redirecting to Header Builder > Logo section instead of redirecting to Site Identity section.
Download Astra Theme v4.0.0 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- New: Redesigned the entire admin area with better user experience. ( )
- New: Narrow Width Container layout for Single Posts, Blogs/Archives & Pages. ( )
- New: Introduced Smooth scroll to ID option for smooth scrolling to section ID on one page site navigation.
- New: Added elegant starter-content theme support for preview & for fresh setup. ( )
- New: Added text decoration and text transform options to each customizer typography settings.
- New: Dynamic content layout & sidebar layout support added for all custom post types. ( )
- New: Dynamic single & archive banner title area support for all custom post types. ( )
- Improvement: Moved Scroll to Top pro extension from addon to theme. ( )
- Improvement: Redesigned customizer typography control's UI for better experience.
- Improvement: Customizer typography & color defaults updated to get better UI experience for fresh setup.
- Improvement: Introduced new filter 'astra_global_color_palette' to extend default color palette settings.
- Improvement: Block Editor - Editor experience improved in relation with the frontend.
- Improvement: Responsive toggle selection customizer options replaced with new multi-selector control for better experience.
- Improvement: Performance related customizer options moved to new admin dashboard under Settings tab.
- Fix: Customizer's responsive font-size control UI is misaligned.
- Fix: Off-canvas - Full screen - Mobile Menu gets very long scroll when Elementor plugin is activated.
- Fix: Full Width/Contained layout Layout is showing extra padding above in the Transparent Header.
- Fix: Block editor - Getting " 'core/editor' )getBlocks()" console warning in editor as being deprecated in WordPress version 5.3.
- Fix: Block editor - Button background color gets overridden by core styles for Legacy block editor setup.
- Fix: Elementor Global button style overrides theme's submenu button style.
- Fix: Getting console error in customizer when trying to update footer columns.
- Fix: Block editor - Color gradient angle input field not visible in the block settings.
- Fix: Block editor - Content background gets explicitly set to white in responsive view.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Sticky add to cart is not working on old header footer.
- Fix: Margin applying for the last child 'li' tag inside widget section.
- Fix: Block editor - Button background color gets overridden by core styles for the Legacy block editor setup.
- Fix: Customizer - Content background color reflections not working in customizer preview.