Akeeba Admin Tools Pro

Joomla Plugin Akeeba Admin Tools Pro v7.5.3

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Bug fixes​

  • [MEDIUM] Joomla does not return the plugin ID when it's disabled, leading to broken links in the UI
  • [MEDIUM] Server configuration maker: Fixed fatal error when web servers different than Apache are used

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Allow empty Itemid even when Suspicious Core Parameters feature is enabled

New features​

  • Optional description field on “Never block these IPs” and “Never blocked domains”

Bug fixes​

  • [MEDIUM] Suspicious Core Parameter always applied the cmd filter, leading to false positives


Miscellaneous changes​

  • Workaround for the Joomla! bug making it erroneously claim in the Maintenance: Database page that Admin Tools' database tables are not up-to-date when they actually are.


Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] “Disable editing user properties for these user groups” does not let you select the Super Users group
  • [MEDIUM] PHP File Change Scanner fails when the MySQL packet size is too small (e.g. 1MiB) when scanning big files (>400KiB) with Calculate File Diffs enabled

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Only show warning to regenerate the server configuration file if it was generated by Admin Tools to begin with
  • Workaround for CloudAccess and other hosts with broken Apache installations that don't understand the If directive

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Quick Setup Wizard will still apply the wrong site root path to the .htaccess Maker

New features​

  • IP Allow List

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Empty “Force HTTPS for these URLs” will cause any HTTP access to redirect to the HTTPS site's root
  • [HIGH] Password-protect administrator can get in the way of www to non-www redirection
  • [HIGH] Quick Setup Wizard will apply the wrong site root path to the .htaccess Maker
  • [LOW] .htaccess Maker accidentally prevented the use of Authorization HTTP headers with Joomla
  • [LOW] Saving WAF Configuration may fail if there are empty items in subform fields
  • [MEDIUM] Configuration monitor was not executing
  • [MEDIUM] Plugins not enabled on clean installation

What's new?​

Bug fixes and miscellaneous changes. Please read the CHANGELOG below.


Bug fixes​

  • [MEDIUM] Email throttling options were not taken into account
  • [MEDIUM] Temporary Super User could fail on some sites due to an off-by-one error