Ajax Load More Pro

Nulled WordPress Plugin Ajax Load More Pro v1.2.25 NULLED

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** 1.2.25 - May 30, 2024 **

Filters - 2.2.1

- NEW: Added new hook that allows for modifying the query args used when creating the facet index. [View Docs](https://connekthq.com/plugins/ajax-load-more/docs/add-ons/filters/facets/#alm_filters_facets_index_args)
- NEW: Added new `almfilters.getActiveFilters()` public JS function that returns an object of active filters.
- NEW: Added new `alm_filters_redirect_underscore_{filter_id}` hook that is used with the Redirect functionality to remove the underscores in URLs on archive pages.
** 1.2.24 - May 10, 2024 **

Next Page - 1.8.0

* NEW: Added official support for using Next Page add-on with Single Posts add-on.
* NEW: Added global `alm_nextpage_post_id` PHP variable for use in filters/shortcodes etc. This will allow the current post ID to be accessed within the Ajax request.
* UPDATE: Code clean up.

Single Posts - 1.7.0

- NEW: Added official support for using Next Page add-on with Single Posts add-on.
- FIX: Fixed issue with undefined PHP variable when using `Next` post ordering.
- UPDATE: Code clean up.
** 1.2.23 - March 21, 2024 **

Filters - 2.2.0

- NEW: Added Posts Per Page filter.
- NEW: Added support for Post Type facet filtering.
- NEW: Added Filters WordPress Block for Ajax Load More rendering filters directly to the Block Editor.
- NEW: When "Hide Inactive Filter Options" is enabled with facet filtering, the entire filter group (radio & checkboxes only) will now be hidden if no filter options are returned.
- NEW: Added support for deeplink URLs when using multiple Filter instances.
- NEW: Added new `redirect` parameter for redirecting users to a new page after a filter action. e.g. `[ ajax_load_more_filters redirect="https://website.com/results" ...]`
- UPDATE: Added console warning when filters is missing the core Ajax Load More instance.
- UPDATE: Added support for search with use of archive="true".
- FIX: Fixed issue with Facet checkbox/radios and the Show/Hide More buttons not always functioning correctly.
- FIX: Fixed issue with sortKey not resetting after clearing the sort value.
- FIX: Fixed issue with restoring the default value of a filter after a change event.
- UPDATE: Accessibility updates to filter checkbox/radios.
- UPDATE: Various UI/UX updates throughout plugin admin and frontend.

Cache - 2.0.3

- UPDATE: Added support for caching Filter add-on facets.
** 1.2.22 - February 8, 2024 **
Elementor - 1.2.0
- NEW: Added support for Loop Grid Elementor widget.
- FIX: Fixed issue with add-on potentially not disabling the Load More button when no content remains.