HBS WP Panther

WordPress Plugin HBS WP Panther 1.0312.2024.0

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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mrik01
  • Date de début Date de début


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Dernière édition:
mrik01 a mis à jour HBS WP Panther avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

For the next update...

For the next update, which would be available on November 30, 2024, improvements will be made. Please note that you can follow the news on the plugin on the official website of @sidl-corporation (https://www.sidl-corporation.fr/categorie/tech-companies/sidl-corporation/hbs-wp-panther). The plugin is thus available on Codester (https://www.codester.com/items/52202/hbs-wp-panther-wordpress-plugin) and on Market...

Lire la suite de cette entrée de mise à jour...
mrik01 a mis à jour HBS WP Panther avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

v1.2511.2024.0 | Nov 24, 2024

- [ Add ] Added `German` language..
- [ Add ] Added a system to search and check for updates.
- [ Add ] Added an API connection to check the current version of a new update.
- [ Update ] Updated the `GZIP Compression` and `XML-RPC` system which can now be enabled if the `.htaccess` has a `r--r--r--` permission including `0444`.
- [ Update ] Updated languages.
- [ Update ] Updated CSS.
- [ Update ] Updated the plugin's custom notification style.
- [ Fix ] Fixed an issue with enabling...

Lire la suite de cette entrée de mise à jour...
mrik01 a mis à jour HBS WP Panther avec une nouvelle entrée de mise à jour:

v1.0312.2024.0 | Dec 03, 2024

All previous versions of the plugin are classified as Obsolete. Please upgrade to version 1.0312.2024.0 ! So, the latest version brings fixes not indicated in the changelogs and some API changes were made in this version.
  • [ Add ] Added dedicated information in the `Headers` on the `HBS WP Panther` plugin.
  • [...

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