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Nulled WordPress Thème Zephyr | Material Design Theme
v8.33.2 NULLED
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Version 8.33.2
UPDATED Google Fonts list
FIXED issue with a Grid/List when its "Gap between items" option has "%", now all percentage values are changed to "cqw" units to be compatible with the new CSS grid styles
FIXED case when the product gallery images were not stretched to the full container width
FIXED javascript conflict with the Ninja Forms plugin after updating to version 8.33
Version 8.33.1
FIXED bug when pages with any carousel can't be scrolled on mobiles after updating to version 8.33
Version 8.32
ADDED new Cooking Blog pre-built demo site
ADDED ability to create different Field Styles and assign them to theme elements with input fields (Contact Form, List Filter, Search, etc.) Learn more
now every field style also has the Text Transform and Checkbox Size options
now every field style is generated using CSS variables, that improves customizations and compatibility with 3rd-party plugins
now all fields of Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 plugins use the Zephyr field style by default
ADDED ability to use background image or gradient inside the text . The relevant option is implemented for the Text and Text Block elements.
IMPROVED Design settings of all elements:
added the Background > Backdrop Filter option
added the Sizes > Aspect Ratio option
IMPROVED Content Carousel and Carousel elements:
now the "Auto Rotation Interval" option applies to responsive states as well
now the "Continual Rotation" works when the "Items = Auto"
IMPROVED List Filter element – added option to enable search field to narrow choices in checkboxes or radio buttons
IMPROVED Optimize JS and CSS size – now its interface shows the "Font Awesome used icons" checkbox to improve UX
IMPROVED built-in SEO module – now the "og:locale:alternate" meta tags are added automatically when site has multiple languages via WPML or Polylag
IMPROVED WPML support – now all new theme elements are available for translation
UPDATED Google Fonts list
UPDATED languages files
FIXED bug when the Post List would not show posts on archive pages if the "Exclude from search results" option was used
FIXED case with PHP fatal error occurred when updating the UpSolution Core plugin before updating the theme itself
FIXED case when the "Custom Columns Layout" option in the Live Builder may create tons of columns
FIXED incorrect work when the Display Logic uses "Has a value" condition with ACF "Repeater" fields
FIXED work of the "Transition Duration" option in Carousel and Content Carousel elements
FIXED bug when editing page title in the Live Builder changes all post titles in the preview
FIXED notices appearance when using a coupon form on the Cart and Checkout pages
FIXED incorrect work of Accordion and Tabs sections with the Live Builder
FIXED visual compatibility with the latest version of the TablePress plugin
FIXED work of the List Filter with ACF "Select" fields with multiple choices
FIXED minor visual issues
Version 8.31.2
FIXED incorrect position of images in WordPress 6.7 if they have a height set
FIXED appearance of coupon errors on Cart and Checkout pages
FIXED work of the Carousel "Loop" option on sites with PHP 7.4
FIXED work of the "Contact Form 7" element in Live Builder
FIXED PHP errors on the Setup Wizard admin page
FIXED custom logo size on the WP Login page
Version 8.31.1
FIXED Spanish translation that causes PHP fatal error after updating to Zephyr 8.31
FIXED incorrect position of SVG images in header after updating to Zephyr 8.31
ADDED new Content Carousel element that allows to slide different content elements
ADDED new List Order element that allows to sort items inside Post List and Product List elements
IMPROVEDImage Slider element:
now the slider with empty dynamic values is not displayed on the frontend
now it supports switching images from WooCommerce product variations
now the slider with a single image does not show thumbnails
now it has the count_* class with the number of its images
IMPROVEDCarousel element:
now the "Loop " option is available in all cases (is not hidden based on other option) and it is enabled by default
now if the "Loop " is disabled, the Carousel shows only one arrow at the start and end positions
now if the number of elements is less than the number of columns, the Carousel doesn't clone the elements