YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards

WordPress Plugin YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards v4.10.0

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Have you ever had that unpleasant feeling of having to make a present to someone, but not knowing what to buy? 99% of the times, this type of uncertainty does not help users completing their purchase.

The same happens in your shop. A customer comes to purchase a present, browses the catalogue in search for an idea, but he cannot be sure about what the recipient would like most and has many doubts: how does refund policy work in case the product should not be good? And if the size were not the right one? And if it did not arrive in time?

A study by the Nielsen Norman Group on a sample of people who usually purchases on the internet has proved that when they receive a present, they appreciate it more if it is in the form of a gift card.

A gift card makes their lives easier for both the person who makes the gift and the person who receives it. This is the reason why gift cards have become more and more popular, to such an extent that 98% of shops – and not only virtual shops – use them to increment sales volume and to loyalise customers.

Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards you will be able to create gift cards of any amount and give your users the possibility to purchase what they really want freely.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
247 Affichages
v4.10.0 Version
13 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. v4.10.0 - Released on 20 February 2024

    = 4.10.0 - Released on 20 February 2024 = * New: support for WooCommerce 8.6 * Tweak: improved...