YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search

WordPress Plugin YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search v1.38

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YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search allows users to search products in your shop/website, and it shows the search results in real time.

The search bar is the most common and important tool for any type of website but it’s often not performing enough, it only shows a limited amount of products and it’s slow and hard to use.

Given that’s the landmark for all of the customers that are going to find themselves navigating gthrough your website, you have to make sure you are offering a professional tool that actually helps the navigation, in order to quickly lead your customers towards the product the are after (research says users spend an average of 15 seconds on any website, so hurry up!)
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
140 Affichages
v1.38 Version
2 Téléchargements
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