Xtra Theme

Shopify Thème Xtra Theme v3.1.1

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Xtra Shopify Theme by Someone You Know​

A versatile theme built for boosting conversion. Highly customizable and packed with expert options and conversion boosters, this theme offers a global enterprise experience. Performance and accessibility is key for this theme.

Fits every merchant’s growth​

Enjoy a lot of premium built-in E-commerce features with very well structured settings any merchant can understand. Fun, easy and accessible

Highly customizable​

Xtra App blocks and Sections to create an ultimate customer experience. Timers, countdowns, contents, tabs, related products and many more
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
147 Affichages
v3.1.1 Version
10 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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