[XFA] Thread Tabs

Xenforo Plugin [XFA] Thread Tabs v2.4.1

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Have you ever wished to provide your users with the capability to add additional content to their threads ?
Yes ?! Then Thread Tabs is the answer.
Very simple to use, it lets your user create as much tabs as they want through a few clicks within the thread. Tabs can either be pure text content input by the user or links.
Thread tabs is permission based and can be finely enabled in each forum.
  • Unlimited number of tabs
  • Easily create, edit, delete, reorder tab thanks to few clicks
  • Tabs can be:
    • Text content based, input with WYSIWYG editor
    • Link based
  • Support attachments in text content based tabs
  • Finely enabled on a per forum basis or in all forums at once through an option
  • Permission based
    • Select which usergroup/user can create tabs
    • Configure the maximum number of tabs per thread a user can create [NEW 2.4.0]
    • Select which usergroup/user can view tabs
    • Select which usergroup can edit any tabs
  • Compatible with XenForo Resource Manager tabs
  • Compatible with [XFA] Tournament tabs

Install/Uninstall instructions
The readme is available HERE.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
171 Affichages
v2.4.1 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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