WP Fusion PRO

Nulled WordPress Plugin WP Fusion PRO v3.42.8.1 NULLED

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Connect WordPress to anything.​

The no-code solution to easily integrate your WordPress website with the services you use every day.

WP Fusion PRO NULLED extends the plugins you use every day with the power of your CRM or marketing automation platform.

Using automations in your connected CRM, you can then create highly targeted engagement campaigns via email, SMS, and other marketing channels, while simultaneously personalizing the WordPress site experience based on changes to tags and custom fields.

WP Fusion includes support for dozens of WordPress plugins, allowing you to connect your membership site, store, learning management system, and more to your CRM.

Common Use Cases

  • Control access to content with tags
  • Track purchases and subscription statuses
  • Send form submissions to your CRM
  • Recover abandoned carts
WP Fusion applies tags in your CRM based on user activity throughout your site, allowing you to track engagement and perform complex automations.
Common Use Cases

  • Engage students based on course progress
  • Track last logins and stale accounts
  • Email customers based on purchase history
  • Award badges and achievements using timers and logic
WP Fusion’s intuitive field mapping system lets you connect any piece of user data on your site to fields inside your CRM (including custom fields).
Common Use Cases

  • Collect extended user profile data
  • Display CRM data within WordPress
  • Update lifetime values and order numbers
  • Sync user accounts between sites
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
184 Affichages
v3.42.8.1 NULLED Version
8 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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Dernières mises à jour

  1. WP Fusion PRO NULLED

    = - 1/25/2024 = * Improved: The background worker will now `return` instead of `exit`...
  2. WP Fusion PRO 3.42.7 NULLED

    = 3.42.7 - 1/17/2024 = * Fixed integrations with a missing documentation URL getting disabled...