Word Count Search

Xenforo Plugin Word Count Search v2.10.2

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Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
Adds the ability to-do word-count range searches, sort by word count in search.
Forum listings can be sorted and filter by word-count.

Requires Search Improvements (free) add-on.

Works with the following Content Types:

  • Posts.
Post-Install Instructions
Rebuild search index for posts. Rebuild search index for threads if threadmarks are installed

Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a Github Pull request via the "More Information" link.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
75 Affichages
v2.10.2 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
Première sortie

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