WooCommerce Order Tags

WordPress Plugin WooCommerce Order Tags v3.0.0

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Manage orders more efficiently with automatic or manually assigned tags.

Assign automatic or manual tags to orders to speed up order processing and management​

With this extension you create order tags which can be automatically and/or manually assigned to your orders. When you have a successful eCommerce store, managing orders can be a time-consuming process. Keeping track of orders and processing them efficiently is fundamental to customers receiving their orders as quickly as possible.
Order tags are visible on the list of orders and within the order details page, you can easily filter orders by tags and bulk assign tags. Adding order tags means you can easily see which orders have met specific criteria without clicking into each order, reviewing the order details, and returning to the orders list. This is a huge time saver and can even open up possibilities not previously possible.

Why use Order Tags?​

  • Assign tags automatically upon order placement, order update and/or order subscription renewal
  • Automatic tags include orders by specific customer(s), number of orders the customer has placed, number of items within the order, customer role, meta data, order status, order total, payment method, products within the order, products within order from specific categories, products within order with specific tags, shipping method, shipping method instance, shipping zone, etc
  • Assign tags manually via the add/edit order screen or the orders list
  • Assign tags automatically when matching any or all of the rules set
  • Set tag operators of =, !=, >=, >, <= and < for number based values, contains is also available for meta data
  • Order tag management overview dashboard
  • Orders can have any number of tags assigned
  • Filter orders by tag
  • Choose the color and text of each tag
  • Add a tag description viewable as a tooltip for each order tag
  • Create an unlimited number of order tags
  • Bulk add order tags to existing orders placed before this extension used
  • Bulk remove auto assigned and/or manually set tags and re-add on all orders
  • Compatible with renewal subscription orders from WooCommerce Subscriptions
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
83 Affichages
v3.0.0 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. WooCommerce Order Tags 3.0.0

    2024-05-24 - version 3.0.0 * Note: This is a milestone release, please ensure you read the...
  2. WooCommerce Order Tags v2.2.0

    2023-04-28 - version 2.2.0 * Note: This is a milestone release, please ensure you read the...