WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels

WordPress Plugin WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels v1.3.0

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Jeroen Sormani
WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels.png

Grab your customer’s attention with custom product labels!​

With the Advanced Product Labels extension you can create labels easily and quickly to grab your customer’s attention. Promote your free products, emphasise “Free Shipping” or other exclusive discounts for one or a range of your products.

By using the easy-to-use conditions you can target specific products in your shop to display a label.

Extension back-end​

The extension has two main interfaces, the global labels and the single labels.

Global Labels Interface​

The global labels can be found under the ‘WooCommerce’ -> ‘Settings’ -> ‘Product labels’ settings tab. Here you can target products with the conditions as shown below.

Conditions included​

The following conditions are included by default. These conditions can be easily modified and/or extended with hooks.

  • Product
  • Product category
  • Product type
  • In sale
  • Bestsellers
  • Product age
  • Price
  • Sale price
  • Stock status
  • Stock quantity
  • Shipping class
  • Tag
  • Total sales
  • Featured product

Single Label Interface​

The single label interface has the same settings as the global label, only these settings only go for the current product. As an extra setting, you can exclude that product from the global labels.

Both label interfaces have a live preview to show you how the label is going to look like.
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105 Affichages
v1.3.0 Version
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