WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS

PHP Script WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS v3.0

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WhatsBox – The WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS – is one of a kind script that you can use to automate your WhatsApp marketing, offer support, and interact with your clients even when you are not available, using reply bots.

- DISCLAIMER – The system uses Official WhatsApp Cloud API. This is a paid API. Please see the current pricing here. Also please note that if you run it as a SaaS, your clients are the one that setup the WhatsApp Cloud API for their account, so they are the ones that pay for their usage.

- NOTE – Unlike before, getting access to Official WhatsApp Cloud API, is publicly open for every business. There is no review or acceptance process.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
323 Affichages
v3.0 Version
13 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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