VMuikit X

Joomla Plugin VMuikit X v10.37

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VMuikit X - Full Dynamic Content support for Virtuemart!​

Create modern and beautiful eCommerce sites with incredible ease! Use the power of YOOthemes Builder to create Dynamic Templates for Virtuemart! Extension comes with many extra features like Custom Elements, One Page Checkout and much more...

Templating Virtuemart pages with YOOtheme Builder!​

If you are here you probably are and have been using YOOthemes Builder and the quite new Dynamic Content features available. With the release of VMuikit X we have implemented full support for this for Virtuemart. This open incredible new doors for web designers and agencies to freely create templates for VirtueMarts different views.
To begin with we support templating of the following Virtuemart views:

  • Category view
  • Product Details view
  • Manufacturers view
  • Manufacturers Details view
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
113 Affichages
v10.37 Version
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