Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro (Premium)

Nulled WordPress Plugin Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro (Premium) v1.5.107 NULLED

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version 1.5.107:

* Fix - fixed weird elementor no products on cart page bug
* Feature - added elementor dynamic options to api integrations
* Fix - fixed bug with faq schema output
* Fix - fixed general settings show items at start
* Feature - added option to get images from current product variations for the dynamic gallery.
* Feature - added preperation for the enhanced ajax search
version 1.5.105:
* Fix: fixed some filters and request related issue
* Fix: fixed specific post and terms select
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* Feature: added support for unselect items in sync functionality
* Feature: added feature - sort terms by parent -> children, and levels number class
* Fix: fixed some load more issue with dynamic template loop and post lists inside
* Fix: fixed woo category image not fetched bug
* Fix: fixed some cases of sticky elementor elements with filters
* Fix: fixed remote connection with single background parent and remote widget
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* Feature - added "date time" attribute to items attributes list
* Fix - fixed filters mode init mode
* Fix - fixed various filters related bugs
* Feature - made some integration for "relevanssi" plugin
* Fix - fixed ucpage parameter fetch for pagination in archive page
* Fix - fixed gallery from meta field item source texts
* Feature - added woo rating stars to multisource fields
* Feature - added visual text that showing the form fields conditions
* Fix - fixed some number field processing
* Fix - fixed multisep form with template submit
version 1.5.100:
* Fix: fixed js run for background output not always happend
* Feature: added option to connect the filters to some specific grid group
* Fix: filters was shown only related to grid taxonomies after changing to "all"
* Fix: returned some tiles gallery images that was missing
version 1.5.95:
* Feature: Ensure that the blog displayed on the "Home" page of the plugin is always up-to-date.
* Feature: Implemented support for tags in the widget catalog.
* Feature: Added an option for galleries to play videos in muted mode.
* Feature: Integrated weather forecast data preparation for the widget.
* Fix: Addressed some minor potential security risks associated with the import templates functionality.
* Fix: Rectified email validation for Form Email2.
* Fix: Resolved some issues with the price range filter.
* Fix: fixed the problem where dynamic template styles disappeared after updating Elementor Pro.
Download Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder v1.5.93 Nulled Free

* Change: updated freemius version
* Change: changed export change log text format
* feature: added option: slider_video_autoplay to the galleries for autoplay the videos as item changes
* feature: added option include by certain taxonomies in related posts query
* feature: added automatic recognition of video thumbnail id in some sort of galleries by relevant post meta
* bug fix: made the exclude users option in users query handle many user records (ajax based)
* bug fix: fixed some wrong url css and js includes issues in elementor editor
* bug fix: fixed some mini cart info bug in some cases in php
* change: returned the "import with images", after including filtype check (for security).
* feature: added functionality for the price range filter
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* Feature: Introduced the change log option in the widget editor.
* Feature: Introduced the ability to connect with Google API for multi-source options.
* Feature: Included an option to link with Google Sheets under the general settings for forms.
* Feature: Integrated a "show globals" feature in troubleshooting for enhanced diagnostics.
* Feature: Implemented the capability to output cart fragments for the woo mini cart.
* Feature: Provided an option for "none" under lightbox-type in galleries, allowing users to disable the lightbox.
* Feature: Added an "excerpt" field to post fields within the widget editor for more detailed posts.
* Fix: Replaced site_url() with home_url() in global variables for better website navigation.
* Fix: Resolved a conflict with another select2 on the admin side, ensuring smoother operations.
* Fix: Rectified an error with multiple order by clauses in post queries to improve data sorting.
* Fix: Enhanced the manual selection of Elementor template retrieval for optimized performance.
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-change: removed some vulnerability related to templates import