TotalDesk – Helpdesk, Live Chat, Knowledge Base & Ticket System

WordPress Plugin TotalDesk – Helpdesk, Live Chat, Knowledge Base & Ticket System v1.8.1

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TotalDesk is the only all in one helpdesk solution for WordPress. Including a ticket- & notification system, livechat, knowledge base, report and integration module it contains all support features, that you need. Get rid of single helpdesk plugins and get TotalDesk!

HelpDesk Features​

  • Ticket System
    • 3 Differnt New Tickt Forms
    • Inbox Fetching
    • 2 Roles: Agent & Reporter
    • My Tickets Page
    • Set default values for new tickets
    • Set own ticket Status
    • Set custom ticket Types
    • Set custom ticket Project / Systems
    • Attachment Support
    • Inform Agents in Notifications
    • HTML WYSIWIG Comment Form
    • Saved replies
    • Logging / History system
    • XLS export
    • Reporters & Agents can reply to Email
    • Ticket Overview (assigned to, status in colors)
    • Set Inbox Archieve Folder
  • Notifications
    • Email Notifications
    • Desktop Notifications
    • Slack Notifications
    • Notify when a ticket has been created
    • Notify when someone replied
    • Notify when a status has changed
    • Notify when an agent has ben assigned
  • Livechat
    • Start a chat with a new subject (new ticket)
    • Enter a chat with a given ticket ID
    • Send a message (new ticket) when no agent is online
    • Every chat conversation will be saved
  • Knowledge Base
    • Create a FAQ based on a ticket
    • Group FAQs into topics
    • Set custom Icons for Topics
    • Live search for FAQs
    • Track FAQ views
    • 3 Built in widgets
    • Order FAQs by View / Popularity
    • 2 Layouts (boxed, list)
  • Reports
    • Tickets By Agent
    • Tickets By Status
    • Tickets By Type
    • Tickets By System
    • Tickets By Year
    • Tickets By Month
    • Tickets By Year & Month
  • Integrations
  • Well Documentented
  • Like
Réactions: gabrielenegri
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
223 Affichages
v1.8.1 Version
3 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. Changelog WordPress TotalDesk 1.8.1

    1.8.1 ====== - FIX: Default agents by department not working - FIX: Ticket exporter not...