Token ICO Addon For Bicrypto - Token Initial Offering By MashDiv

Token ICO Addon For Bicrypto - Token Initial Offering By MashDiv v1.4.4

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Download Token ICO Addon For Bicrypto - Token Initial Offering Nulled Free CodeCanyon 36120046
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Made with:
  • Laravel
  • Vue
  • JS
  • PHP
  • Livewire
  • Included in the installation folder
Demo User:
Demo Admin:
  • user: demoAdmin
  • pass: 123456
Requirements (minimum):
  • A Knowledge in running a server or any hosting with ssh
  • A Knowledge in copy and paste codes we add-in update description
  • Having time to read the documentation
  • PHP +8.1
  • Composer +2
  • Server with SSH that has Permissions, not shared server without any permissions
Requirements (Recommended):
  • Clean Ubuntu 20
  • Virtualmin + Nginx + PHP FPM
  • Composer 2.2.5
  • Unmanaged VPS with root access
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
85 Affichages
v1.4.4 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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