Sphere : Live Wallpaper App | Android Wallpaper app with admin panel (Laravel)

Sphere : Live Wallpaper App | Android Wallpaper app with admin panel (Laravel) 22 November 2022

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Sphere : Live Video Wallpaper | Wallpaper app with admin panel | Android - Laravel 31723302

Sphere is an android live walllaper app having support to live video wallpapers, in-app purchase favourite lists, Admob and Facebook ads and elegant UI design. Anyone can create their own beautiful app using this template and save many hours.

Sphere app doesn’t make money only from ads for the publisher, but this app is included with in app purchase so publishers can make money by premium customers as well as ads.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
91 Affichages
22 November 2022 Version
0 Téléchargements
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