SP Page Builder PRO - Drag and drop page composer for Joomla

Joomla Plugin SP Page Builder PRO - Drag and drop page composer for Joomla v5.3.2

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16 May 2024

  • The articles scroller Addon now includes filters for tags, post types, and sub-category fields
  • Improved SEO and accessibility for the Article and Feature Box Addons
  • Enhanced overall stability
  • Adjusted alignment of the add and bulk buttons in the Gallery Addon
  • Removed the bulk image insert option from the Client Addon
SP Page Builder v5.3.1 Changelog:
  • New: Added "+ Add Bulk Items" option to include multiple items in the Gallery Addon
  • New: Added predefined layouts for the Articles Addon
  • Update: The Settings Panel and Layers Panel can now remain simultaneously open in the frontend editor
  • Update: Updated the Timeline Addon to have an ending date option
  • Fix: Fixed list item <p> tag issue in the Rich Text Editor
  • Fix: Fixed Addon hidden issue in EasyStore pages
  • Fix: Resolved the issue related to being unable to disable the Intro text in the Article Scroller Addon
  • Fix: Addressed the Image Carousel Addon link issue on touch devices
  • Fix: The Slideshow Addon autoplay issue, if a video is present, has been resolved
  • Fix: Fixed Google re-captcha z-index issue
  • Fix: Fixed ACL-related issues
  • Fix: Improved overall stability
SP Page Builder v5.3.0 Changelog:
  • New: Added Transform option to the style settings of all addons
  • New: Added Bulk Import and Export functionality
  • New: Introduced functionality to bulk update Language, Category, and Access Level
  • New: Option to add images for the Timeline addon items
  • New: Included alt text field for all media fields
  • New: Added CodeMirror editor for the custom CSS field in the frontend editor
  • Update: Improved Text Block addon's Content Truncation feature for the frontend editor
  • Update: Button position options added for the Pricing Table addon
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with favoriting addons in the frontend editor
  • Fix: Resolved z-index issue with the Popover addon
  • Fix: Issue related to the Image Content display in RTL layouts addressed
  • Fix: Fixed Opt-in Form addon’s submission issue
  • Fix: Fixed an issue in the Animation field in the case of the Special option
  • Fix: Rich Text editor's link issue for page-type links fixed
  • Fix: Improved overall stability
SP Page Builder v5.2.8 Changelog:
  • New: Added Image Shapes and CSS Effects in the Image addon
  • New: Content Truncation option added in the Text Block addon
  • New: Included ACL functionality in the Row settings for better access control management
  • New: Added option to include SEO data while exporting page.
  • New: Radius option added in the Options section of the Gallery addon
  • Update: Enhanced accessibility for Tab, Form Builder, and Feature Box addons
  • Update: Improved code editor and system editor to adapt to various display resolutions
  • Update: Google Map API updated to address deprecation issues
  • Fix: Resolved page-related ACL issues
  • Fix: Fixed addons’ z-index issue
  • Fix: Fixed Div addon custom position issue
  • Fix: Fixed Search plugin’s sorting issue
  • Fix: Resolved Video addon’s YouTube shorts functionality issue
SP Page Builder v5.2.7 Changelog:
  • New: Repositioned Section Library and Saved Items on the frontend editor for drag-and-drop ease
  • New: “Heading” element added for the Field Type options in the Form Builder addon
  • Update: Enhanced accessibility for the Article addon
  • Update: Modified the media field to compute image dimensions from remote URLs, improving lazy loading
  • Fix: Fixed the addon ACL issue within the Div addon
  • Fix: Fixed RTL mode dropdown position issue in the backend editor
  • Fix: Addressed the Form Builder addon’s redirect issue regarding incorrect captcha
  • Fix: Resolved the Icon addon’s hover color issue
  • Fix: Resolved the Feature Box addon’s icon style issue
  • Fix: Fixed the inability to add negative values in the addon z-index field
  • Like
Réactions: jethropaul
  • Option for Inner row settings added in the frontend editor
  • Added Expand Editor option in the code editor (Raw HTML addon and Custom CSS editor)
  • The context menu now includes an addon paste option when the column or div addon is empty
  • Enhanced SEO and accessibility for the Image addon
  • Removed unnecessary language strings script
  • Resolved an issue with column and nested row duplication when Tab or Accordion addons are present
  • The Price List addon’s content alignment and image position issue resolved
  • Addressed the issue related to the Contact Form addon submission in the module
  • Fixed the Flip Box addon’s flip issue on mobile devices
  • Fixed the Lottie addon’s URL issue
19 December 2023

  • Improved accessibility to Accordion, Button, Article, Tab, Icon, Icon Group, Alert, Image Content, and Form Builder addons
  • Responsive options added for carousel gap (Testimonial Carousel, Image Carousel & Client addons)
  • Div addon’s hidden by device functionality improved
  • Added the option to hide input labels in the Form Builder addon
  • Added deep integration of EasyStore pagination status addon
  • Fixed column responsive issue for xs device
  • Fixed Addon Access Level issue in the Backend Editor
  • Fixed EasyStore common addon dropping & sorting issue of Product List item
  • Fixed popover addon custom class missing issue
SP Page Builder PRO v5.2.3

  • Enhanced category field to adapt both Single and Multi-select in backend editor
  • Added navigation option for overflow tab item in backend editor
  • Fixed addon's title color issue in frontend editor
  • Fixed language filtering issue in article & module
  • Fixed article saving issue
  • Fixed easyStore route issue if url suffix is enabled
  • Addressed other known issues
24 November 2023

  • Fixed AI controller not found issue in frontend editor
  • Fixed the issue of the issue of duplicated articles with empty content
SP Page Builder v5.2.0 Changelog:
  • New: Introduced AI text and image generator
  • Update: Backend editor now supports pasting content across multiple pages
  • Update: Modal popup addon now includes an option to manage content overflow
  • Update: Text editor's color palette now includes a global color list
  • Update: Improved responsiveness of article columns field
  • Fix: Fixed typography issues occurring after upgrading from SPPB 3.x to SPPB 5.x
  • Fix: Fixed text editor expand issue in Joomla 3
  • Fix: Fixed ListField issue in the frontend editor for Joomla 3
  • Fix: Fixed addon width issue in Div addon