Smart - Angular 17+ Admin Dashboard Template for University, School & Colleges

HTML Templates Smart - Angular 17+ Admin Dashboard Template for University, School & Colleges v12.0.0

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Smart is a modern material design admin dashboard template build with Angular 17+ and the Angular-CLI for your for University, School & Colleges. Smart comes with material design components for rich styles and design.

Advanced feathers of Smart are Role Based Authentication, With template you will get built-in three roles Admin, Teacher & Student. You can create more as per your requirements. You can restrict page access based on user role.

Smart full support AOT and lazy loading to boost up your project. Smart comes with ready to use design pages for Teachers, Students, Courses, Staff, Library, Departments, Holidays, Fees, leave application etc.

Smart uses SASS to make your life editing the styles easier. All styles are fully develop with SASS and easy to understand. It has lots of ready to use components which helps you to develop quickly and easy to customize.
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183 Affichages
v12.0.0 Version
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