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Nulled Shopify Thème Shrine Theme Pro
v1.1.4 NULLED
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VERSION 1.1.4 August 8, 2024 New Features and Improvements:
Added Trustpilot stars to the Rich text, Image with text & Custom columns sections
Added Rating stars & Trustpilot stars block to the Image banner section
Added an option to display classic add to cart upsells in the Product information & Featured product sections
Out of stock (for all variants) upsells & gifts are now hidden by default
Bug Fixes:
Fixed headings custom font not working properly
Fixed iDEAL payment icon not showing up in product page & footer if also added to the cart drawer
Fixed hotspot modal going under certain sections
Fixed Comparison table middle rows not having outer border
Fixed Announcement bar left & right alignment not properly working when the text wraps into multiple lines
Fixed zoom-out loading animations causing page overflow on mobile devices
Fixed Comparison table competitors logo mobile width not working
Fixed hotspot modals needing two clicks on touch devices when hover is set as opening event
Fixed a bug where for autoplay videos, a play button was sometimes not displayed with iOS battery saver mode
Fixed page loading layout shift on collection pages