Shofy - eCommerce & Multivendor Marketplace Laravel Platform

Nulled PHP Script Shofy - eCommerce & Multivendor Marketplace Laravel Platform v1.1.6 NULLED

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Version 1.1.6 – Jun 20, 2024​

- Fix date format in blog post schema snippet.
- Fix watermark size, image was being scaled.
- Fix table sort icon: wrong direction.
- Fix ad image not cached. Change to use real image path
- Fix barcode validation issue when importing products
- Fix slider background color not working in style 3 & 4
- Fix grid/list button doesn't work in category page
- Fix cart/wishlist count in header 5
- Fix bug shipping options are not shown
- Fix bug can't store footprints data when accessing from Facebook ad
- Fix shipping label issue with Bangladeshi and Chinese language
- Improve table quick search input: add clear button.
- Improve blog layout, change to full width when it has no sidebar widgets
- Improve email template for digital products
- Change minimum zip code length validation to 4
- Add cache for menu items to make it loads faster.
- Add Facebook Pixel integration
- Add more setting for media: Add option to enable `Use path style endpoint?` for S3, Digital Ocean Spaces.
- Add missing values for product variations
- Add theme option to hide review when it has no reviews yet.
- Add cache for categories dropdown
- Add option to change number of products per row
- Add minimum order quantity for products in vendor dashboard
- Add option to disable vendor messaging system
Version 1.1.3 (THIS VERSION REQUIRES PHP >= 8.1)

- Improve performance
- Improve products import
- Improve UI product options display on product detail page
- Improve UI checkout page, allow to change font family & fix RTL issues
- Add option to set date format for invoice
- Add FAQ page
- Fix small issues on front theme UI
- Fix PayPal refund in different currency
- Fix database query issue on PostgreSQL
- Fix bug FAQ schema not generated
- Fix bug email is not sent when payment confirmed
- Fix bug can't set default payment method
- Fix UI ecommerce widget on dashboard
Version 1.0.10 (THIS VERSION REQUIRES PHP >= 8.1)
v1.0.9 – Apr 11, 2024