SaaSBold Pro

SaaSBold Pro v1.3.3

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SaaSBold Pro is a full-stack SaaS boilerplate for Next.js - crafted with great attention to both front-end and back-end functionality. Developer experience has been a key focus, comes with all the essential integrations features with a one-click deployment option on Vercel.

SaaSBold Features and Integrations ⚡

💳 Payments and Subscriptions​

  • Stripe integration for billing users
  • Paddle and LemonSqueezy support coming soon

🔒 Authentication​

  • Magic Link, Social Login/Auth, Email/Pass Authentication
  • Automatic sync of user data in PostgreSQL
  • Private/protected pages & API Calls

📧 Emails​

  • Seamless transactional email solution
  • Built-in Email Templates for various purposes

🛠️ Database​

  • Ready-to-use PostgreSQL database with Prisma integration
  • Easily switch to other databases like MySQL or MongoDB
  • Efficient performance and database management

👩‍💼 Admin Dashboard​

  • Manage user roles, permissions, and access controls
  • UI Components for Admin Dashboard

👤 User Dashboard​

  • Control account settings and preferences
  • Intuitive interface with smooth API integrations

📰 Marketing / Newsletter​

  • Automatically add new users to MailChimp list
  • Send newsletters to your SaaS user base

✨ AI Integration​

  • Ready-to-use AI integration with Open AI

🔍 Algolia Integration​

  • Ready-to-use Algolia integration for site search

🙌 Detailed comparison between the free, starter, and professional versions of SaaSBold​

Next.js Landing Page✅ Yes✅ Yes✅ Yes
All The Integrations❌ No✅ Yes✅ Yes
Functional Blog with Sanity❌ No✅ Yes✅ Yes
Functional Admin Dashboard❌ No❌ No✅ Yes
Functional User Dashboard❌ No❌ No✅ Yes
Figma Design Source File❌ No❌ No✅ Yes
Use with Commercial Projects✅ Yes✅ Yes✅ Yes
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
31 Affichages
v1.3.3 Version
5 Téléchargements
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