RSForm! Pro

Joomla Plugin RSForm! Pro v3.3.5

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18 Jun 2024

Version 3.3.5​

  • Added - 'Phone Number' field.
  • Updated - 'Conditional Fields' can now be reordered.
  • Updated - Dragging and dropping form fields now works on mobile devices.
  • Fixed - When sending emails, repeating the same email in the recipient list would prevent further emails from being sent due to how the Joomla! Mailer class works.
18 Apr 2024

Version 3.3.3​

  • Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 Dark Mode fixes.
  • Fixed - 'Add to Backend Menu' was throwing an error on Joomla! 3
  • Fixed - In some cases the field properties were loading a cached incorrect version based on the default language.
12 Apr 2024

Version 3.3.2​

  • Added - 'Edit Modal Width' option to increase the width of the field editing modal.
  • Updated - 'List of Disposable Email Domains' now accepts the * character as a wildcard to trigger part of the domain such as *.xz
  • Fixed - Forms added as backend menu items are no longer removed when updating the extension.
  • Fixed - When using Syntax Highlighting some Javascript errors could appear on the page in Joomla! 5 due to CodeMirror 6.
  • Fixed - Selecting a 'Default Ordering Column' in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item without actually setting the field as 'Show in Listing' would result in 0 submissions being displayed.
  • Fixed - Clearing an uploaded file when editing a submission through the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item would not actually delete the file.
14 Mar 2024

Version 3.3.1​

  • Updated - In the 'Submissions - View' menu item the 'HTML Layout', 'Row Layout' and 'Details Layout' fields now show a CodeMirror editor for easier editing.
  • Fixed - An email address containing any of the / : ? @ characters would throw a PunycodeHelper error on Joomla! 4 and 5
  • Fixed - Further validation in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item to prevent SQL errors from showing up.
04 Mar 2024 - Version 3.3.0
  • Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
07 Jun 2023

Version 3.1.10​

  • Added - Event triggers after emails have been sent: onRsformAfterUserEmail, onRsformAfterAdminEmail, onRsformAfterAdditionalEmail.
  • Added - Directory fields can now be configured to be sorted as 'Number' or 'Date'.
  • Added - 'Minimum Length' and 'Maximum Length' validations.
  • Updated - PHP 8.2 compatibility improvements.
  • Updated - Newly created forms will now default to '{global:mailfrom}' and '{global:fromname}' in the Admin Emails section.
  • Updated - 'Textarea' fields now accept '%' or 'px' in 'Rows' and 'Cols' properties.
  • Fixed - Uikit 3 tooltip markup was not generated correctly.
28 Feb 2023

Version 3.1.8​

  • Updated - 'File Upload' will now accept 'webp' images when 'Allow Only Images' is set to 'Yes'.
  • Updated - Thumbs from the 'File Upload' field can now be created as webp images.
  • Updated - TCPDF updated to 6.6.2 for PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • Fixed - Google Maps API was showing a warning in the console due to a missing callback.
  • Fixed - Viewing PDF submissions in the frontend could display a PHP warning due to a missing $app->close() call.
  • Fixed - Specifying a 'List of Disposable Email Domains' in combination with the 'Email Validation' rule could throw a PHP warning in some cases.