reCaptcha for WooCommerce by I13 Web Solution

WordPress Plugin reCaptcha for WooCommerce by I13 Web Solution v2.51

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I Thirteen Web Solution
reCaptcha for WooCommerce.png

Protect your eCommerce store from malicious and automated attacks by using reCaptcha for WooCommerce.

  • Support both reCaptcha V2 (checkbox) and reCaptcha V3
  • Protection from spam
  • Protection from unauthorized login attempts
  • Stop fake registrations
  • Stop fake guest orders
  • Low friction, effortless interaction for users
  • Easy for customers, Hard for bots
  • Enable it to required places only
Security is the most important concern nowadays for any website or an eCommerce store. Because of automated tools and bots your site does not perform its best. There are lots of automated tools available to make your site spammy. Therefore any website or eCommerce site must have a captcha that protects from automated bots. Google Recaptcha “I am not a Robot” provides the best protection by involving human interaction to solve the captcha. The capacity to investigate and recognize gets to by bots from people, reCAPTCHA shields mechanized programming from hurting your site. Though, legitimate clients can in any case experience this shield.

reCaptcha for WooCommerce is the best solution that provides all in one captcha for WooCommerce as well as WordPress. There are easy settings given with on/off captcha on required places. The best thing about this plugin is highly built on WooCommerce as well as WordPress standard so that it can not break your site in any way.
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v2.51 Version
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