Qixer - Multi-Vendor On demand Service Marketplace and Service Finder

Nulled PHP Script Qixer - Multi-Vendor On demand Service Marketplace and Service Finder v2.2.0 NULLED

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Date : 29th October 2022

Version: 1.3.7

[fixed] admin forget password email missing rest password url issue fixed
[fixed] seller ticket create issue solved
[fixed] subscription manual payment image not showing issue in admin panel

[added] added job posting addon support to the core code
[added] new page builder addon added for showcase seller profile
[added] added new page to showcase all sellers
[added] new mobile api added for live chat support in mobile app
[added] add option to enable/disable multiple booking in single schedule
[added] added option to set the service available in all cities and areas
[added] bulk import feature added for area, cities, countries from csv file
[added] added support for build payment gateway addon for qixer by other developer. now any developer can make payment gateway addon without braking core script code, which will allow you to update core without effect your page builder addon.

[upgrade] upgrade payment gateway pacakge to latest version 2.0.17

[improvement] improve home page header search by adding counties and cities
[improvement] improve home page search user experience by showing a loading icon while system searching for their service
Date : 08th October 2022
Version: 1.3.6
[added] added option to add extra service after place an order, it will allow seller to add extra service as per buyer request.
[added] added option to create services by admin, from admin panel.

[fixed] when subscription addon is installed and admin commission type is set to commission , system does not showing service in frontend, issue solved