PWA Plugin [AltumCode]

PHP Script PWA Plugin [AltumCode] v2.0.0

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PWA system.png

PWA (Progressive Web App) System - Gives you and your users the ability to download and install the web page as an app on your PC / Phone, directly via the browser.

The plugin is compatible with all AltumCode.

The installation is extremely easy.

You simply need to download the files, unzip the package and then copy the "pwa" folder inside of your plugins folder of the main product installation.

After that, you can go inside of your admin panel, go to the Plugins management section and enable your new plugin.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
310 Affichages
v2.0.0 Version
6 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. PWA Plugin [AltumCode] v2.0.0

    Current version: v2.0.0 - 16 November, 2023