PSX Multipurpose Classified Flutter App with Laravel Admin Panel

Android/IOS-APP PSX Multipurpose Classified Flutter App with Laravel Admin Panel v1.4.2

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PSX Multipurpose Classified Flutter App.jpg

PSX Multipurpose Classified App
Bring your business to the next level
Build your own specialized classified app with our user-friendly platform, without the need for coding knowledge, and have it up and running in no time
Personalize the input fields with Custom Field Feature
  • Create unique input fields with the PS builder
  • Sync the custom field easily from the admin panel for your app
Boost your sales with Promotion Feature
  • Increase the visibility and engagement of the uploaded items
  • Set a fee for using this feature, which can be charged according to the chosen date range
Dynamic management with On-the-Fly Language Update
  • Able to change the language strings dynamically from the admin panel
  • Update language strings without having to re-submit to the app stores
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
269 Affichages
v1.4.2 Version
2 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. PSX Multipurpose Classified Flutter App 1.4.2