Prophecy - An Online Game Predictior Prophecy - An Online Game Predictior

Untouched Prophecy - An Online Game Predictior Prophecy - An Online Game Predictior v5.0.4

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Download Prophecy - An Online Game Predictior Nulled Free CodeCanyon 25552942
“Prophecy” is a online prediction management system. It can be used to guess the result of WorldCup / Tournament matches in a kind of prediction. The players compete in guessing the correct result of some kind of match. Soccer, Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, or even Yes/No questions like: will Brazil win the next WorldCup. At first User need to deposit for predicting. User will get interest followed by ratio.
If you still need any kind of help, then please mail us (The support mail address has been added in the documentation file). We are always there to help you out.

User Features​

  • Make Pridiction
  • Pridiction Log
  • Transaction Log
  • Deposit Money
  • Deposit Log
  • Withdraw Money
  • Withdraw Log
  • User To User Balance Transfer System
  • Email + SMS Notification
  • Profile Information

Admin Features​

  • Financial Statistics & Information
  • Manage Tournament
  • Manage Event
  • Can See Total Prediction Amount Each Event
  • Can See Closed Event with Total Prediction Amount
  • Prediction Result Manage
  • Make winner
  • List of user Each threat with amount
  • Refund Prediction Amount
  • Single Refund Prediction Amount
  • User Management
  • User Statistics & Reports
  • 7+ Automated Payment Method
  • Mollie Payment Gateway Added
  • Manual Payment/ Bank deposit System Added
  • Complete Payment History
  • Withdraw Request Log
  • Withdraw Report
  • Add Manual Withdraw Method using form Builder
  • Admin Role Permission
  • Can Change Admin Prefix
  • Email + SMS Notification
  • Web Logo, footer, Favicon Can update
  • SEO Setting
  • Charge Control System
  • Slider Manage
  • Blog Manage
  • Testimonial Manage
  • How It Wok Manage
  • FAQ Manage
  • About Us Manage
  • Terms & Condition Manage
  • Privacy Policy Manage
  • Like
Réactions: bidushsarkar
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
170 Affichages
v5.0.4 Version
2 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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Dernières mises à jour

  1. Download Prophecy - An Online Betting Platform 5.0.4 - Untouched

    The developer has not updated the details that bring with this new update.
  2. Download Prophecy - An Online Betting Platform - v5.0.3 Untouched

    Version 5.0.3 – 16th Oct, 2022 [Add] Role Permission [FIX] Payment Search
  3. Version 5.0.2 – 3rd Oct, 2022

    Download Prophecy - An Online Betting Platform - Untouched [FIX] KYC list [FIX] Manual Payment...