Product Bulk Edit

Prestashop Plugin Product Bulk Edit v1.2.1

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Increase productivity when editing products. Whether it's their price, quantity in stock, or category, complete these operations in bulk in a few clicks or schedule them.

Using relevant filters and a search box, quickly select the products to edit and apply a -20% discount on their price, an increase of + €15, add 100 items to the stock or add a new category in bulk to this selection for example.
These operations can be scheduled or reversed at any time.

The Product Bulk Edit module allows you to:

  • Apply a bulk change to the price:
    • Increase or reduction
    • In percentage or value
  • Apply a bulk change to the stock:
    • Increase or Decrease
  • Apply a bulk addition to a category:
  • Configure these changes as permanent or scheduled to be applied and reversed on specific dates.
  • Enjoy a quick and easy installation.
  • Its ergonomic interface allows you to take advantage of the module as soon as it is installed.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
118 Affichages
v1.2.1 Version
1 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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