Prestashop HTML Box Pro

Prestashop HTML Box Pro v3.8.7

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Prestashop module html block - tool for adding any code (html , javascript, css, etc.) in places selected by user. More than 20 hooks supported - which mean that you can add your code anywhere you want. Module supports any client side code such like html, html5, css2, css3, javascript, jquery etc. With HTML block you can a7ts, code, plugins and many other stuff!

Easy in use and configure
module with user friendly interface easily create and modify as many blocks as you want

Manage the blocks visibility
You can configure visibility of the each block. You can create block for logged, unlogged and all customers

Change the position
of the blocks inside each hook with user friendly "drag'n'drop" feature. Rearrange the position of blocks easily!

Support all html / css / js tags
You can use all html / css / js tags. It mean that you can create any external widget you want.

Easy in use Content editor
You aren't familiar with coding? no worries, module allows to use user-friendly content editor called "wysiwyg"

Multi language support
Module supports multilanguage feature It mean that you can create blocks in any language you want!
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
109 Affichages
v3.8.7 Version
1 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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