== 2.10.4 ==
Release date: November 28, 2023
* Enhancement: Info List - Link type Box option now also links the Info List icon
* Enhancement: Buttons - Updated Buttons Spacing option to add row spacing when button stack
* Enhancement: Logo Carousel - Added option to show or hide logo title
* Enhancement: Logo Grid - Added option to show or hide logo title
* Enhancement: Logo Grid - Repeater items now show logo title instead of Logo Image text
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Videos overlap issue on mobile
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Thumbnail was not clickable when content position set Over Thumbnail or Over Thumbnail on Hover
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Excerpt length option was not working for posts loaded after clicking load more button
* Fixed: Advanced Tabs - Icon Type icon option was not working
* Fixed: Gravity Forms - Submit Button alignment option was not working
* Fixed: compatibility issues with PHP 8