Picking Cart - Order processing + supplier order

Prestashop Picking Cart - Order processing + supplier order v2.6.0

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Display the list of products to be prepared,Add them to your virtual trolleySend order emails to your suppliers.


  • Completely redesigned interface
  • 3 tabs: "to prepare", "to ship", "on supplier order
  • Search function by order, customer or product
  • Sort by product ID, order ID or by location on your shelf
  • Share with an employee function
  • Mark a product as "out of stock"
  • Supplier order function: send order by email in one click and track order status
  • Ability to share products with employees
  • Each employee can choose whether to prepare all products or only those assigned to them
  • 100% AJAX and responsive mimicking the interface of a mobile messaging application!
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
134 Affichages
v2.6.0 Version
2 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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