(PC) Forum add-ons

Invision Community Plugin (PC) Forum add-ons v1.0.2

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Forum add-ons1.png

  • Ability to use Google Material Icons
  • Option to set icons in
    • Usernav,
    • Announcements,
    • ModCP,
    • Notifications
  • Ability to display announcements in columns (1, 2, 3)
  • Possibility to change color
  • Ability to set gradient
  • Main
    • Option to change color when hovering over text
    • Medal display option (Currently only in Popular Contributors)
    • IP display option for administrator only (Currently only in Topics)
    • Slightly modified usernav
    • Ability to enable sticky header (Currently only on mobile)
    • Badge on a new message
    • Modify "tooltip"
  • Flash message
    • Can be customized flash message:
      • Set background color,
      • Set text color,
      • Set button (close) background color,
      • Set button (close) text color
  • Scrollbar appearance
    • Can be customized scrollbar appearance
      • Set track background color
      • Set thumb background color
      • Set scrollbar width
  • Floating buttons
    • Can be set:
      • Button position (Left, Right)
      • Back to top (button)
      • Go to bottom (button)
      • Back to home page (button)
      • Social media
        • Facebook
        • Twitter
        • Instagram
        • VK
        • Telegram
  • PM
    • Display full inbox information
  • Logo
    • Set animations for the logo
    • Animations list
      • pulse
      • bounce
      • rubberBand
      • handShake
      • "tada"
      • wobble
      • jello
      • rotate
  • Section
    • Displaying subforum in columns
    • Section description under the title
    • Different appearance of section stats
    • Number of written topics
  • Section icons
Own message
  • Ability to display a message for All, User, Group
  • Options
    • Background color
    • Text color
    • Possibility of a button redirecting to a topic / another page
    • Title
    • Message content
    • Message icon
  • Settings
    • Modify appearance of hidden posts
    • Modify button appearance (quote, edit etc.)
    • Ability to set button icons etc.
  • CKEditor
Advanced footer settings
  • Settings
    • Show advanced footer on mobile/tablet
    • Icons in titles
    • Appearance
      • Background color
      • (IPS footer) background color
      • Text color
      • (IPS footer) text color
      • Width footer
      • Title separator
      • Color separator
  • Section About us
    • Title, icon, content
    • Staff members (max. 10 members)
    • Social media
      • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Steam, LinkedIn, Discord, YouTube, Pinterest
  • Section Quick links
  • Section Community links
  • Section 5 Latest topics
    • Select forum (Ability to select a department that is not: Password-locked, redirected, and "Questions" type section)
    • Badges (Topic pinned etc.)
    • More information (Status, last post date, topic views)
  • Ability to collapse a given widget
Version 1.0.1
  • Compatibility with 4.7
  • Added missing icons in notifications
  • Added ability to choose the appearance of notifications (border only, icon only, border and icon)
  • Added icon display in the mobile version
  • Fixed buttons in topics (approve, delete and quote)
  • Icon Updates
  • Added the ability to display messages on Login and Registration pages
  • Improvements in the appearance of the application on the mobile version
  • Re-formatted the message for one group into multiple groups
  • Re-formatted a single-user message into multiple
  • Modified all field
Version 1.0.2
  • Added help center block
  • Improved forms in own message
  • Corrections to forms
  • Added
    • Telegram
    • VK
  • Like
Réactions: patrick
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
234 Affichages
v1.0.2 Version
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