On Demand Pharmacy Delivery with Medicine Delivery and Upload Prescription App with 2 Apps & Admin

On Demand Pharmacy Delivery with Medicine Delivery and Upload Prescription App with 2 Apps & Admin v1.4

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Download Drmedico - Online Healthcare Android App with Order Medicine and Upload Prescription Retail Nulled Free CodeCanyon 28842064

DrMedico is a one stop shop for order online medicine, medical equipment online, OTC products and Upload Prescription Online healthcare products. DrMedico brings to you a wide range of genuine healthcare products that are obtained directly from authorized shops. DrMedico a complete health app for all your medical needs.
What’s included:
- Customer Android App Source Code
- Admin Panel PHP Script Source Code
- Database file & Installation Documentation
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
92 Affichages
v1.4 Version
2 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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