On-Demand Doctor Appointment Booking SaaS Marketplace Business Model

Nulled PHP Script On-Demand Doctor Appointment Booking SaaS Marketplace Business Model v8.0.1 NULLED

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On-Demand Doctor.jpg

Doctro NULLED is on demand appointment booking SaaS + marketplace business model
Doctro - Super Admin Panel Features
  • Rich Dashboard
  • View Appointments
  • Add new Treatments
  • Add new Category
  • Add new Expertise
  • Add new Medicines
  • Add new Hospital
  • Add new Doctor
  • Add new Pharmacy
  • Add new Patients
  • Add Blog
  • add/edit/delete subscriptions
  • View subscription history
  • Add/remove offers
  • Add new Notification Template
  • Add new roles and permission
  • Add new Languages
  • View user and a doctor report
  • Setting Panel
  • Edit profile
Doctro - Doctor Panel (based on commission)
  • Rich Dashboard
  • View appointments
  • Add/delete patients
  • View commission details
  • View reviews
  • Schedule timings
  • Edit profile
Doctro - Doctor Panel (based on subscription)
  • Rich dashboard
  • View appointments
  • add/delete patients
  • View subscription
  • View subscription history
  • View reviews
  • Schedule timings
  • Edit profile
Doctro - Pharmacy
  • Rich Dashboard
  • Add new medicines
  • View purchased medicines
  • Schedule timings of ordering
  • View commission details
  • Edit profile
Doctro -Patient
  • View doctors(for booking an appointment)
  • Select Doctor(Filter available)
  • View pharmacy (purchase medicines)
  • View available offers
  • View blogs
  • Add to cart (medicines)
  • Patient address
  • Add to favorites
  • Profile settings
  • Change password
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
195 Affichages
v8.0.1 NULLED Version
4 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. On-Demand Doctor Appointment Booking 8.0.1 NULLED

    v8.0.1 Update 20-05-2024 [ADMIN PANEL] – [ENHANCEMENT] Unnecessary Test category removed from...
  2. On-Demand Doctor Appointment Booking 6.0.0 NULLED

    v6.0.0 Major Update 27-DEC-2023 [ADMIN PANEL] - [MAJOR] Updated to Laravel 9 - [CHANGE]...
  3. Doctro v5.2.0 NULLED - On-Demand Doctor Appointment Booking SaaS Marketplace Business Model

    v5.2.0 Update 29-MAY-2023 [ADMIN PANEL] - [FIX] Renamed some default images to be seen fine in...