Ol Content Gallery

Joomla Plugin Ol Content Gallery v4.0.9

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Ol Content Gallery.jpg

Content Gallery Responsive Joomla Module - display images and text from articles in gallery or isotope style.​

In Content Gallery are included two styles - gallery and isotope.
  • Items limit (at your choice )
  • Image Type - Intro/ Fulltext / Inline
  • Source - Categories
  • Tag Filtering Type
  • Author Filtering Type
  • Author Alias Filtering Type
  • Date Filtering
  • Featured Articles - Show / Hide / Only featured
  • Articles to be ordered by - Hits / Title / Id / Tags / Date / Articles Managed Order
  • Ordering Direction - Ascending / Descending
Basic settings
  • Show title Yes / No
  • Title word limit (at your choice )
  • Show intro text Yes / No
  • intro text limit (at your choice )
  • Show read more Yes / No
  • Show date Yes / No
  • Show category Yes / No
  • Show author Yes / No
Style settings
  • Style gallery or Isotope
  • Columns ( 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 )
  • Isotope Style ( color / Zoom / Simple)
  • Custom Color
  • Items space ( three choices )
  • Text Padding ( at your choice )
Gallery Settings
  • Transition Type - fade/slide
  • Loop ( Yes / No )
  • Download button ( Show / Hide )
  • Thumbnail ( Show / Hide )
  • Thumbnails by default ( Show / Hide )
  • Autoplay ( Yes / No )
  • Autoplay controls( Show / Hide )
  • Time between transition ( your choice )
  • Transition duration ( your choice )
  • FullScreen ( Show / Hide )
  • Zoom ( Show / Hide )
  • Mousewheel ( Yes / No )
  • Share ( Show / Hide )
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
121 Affichages
v4.0.9 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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