MultiGig - Service / Gig Selling Freelancing Marketplace (Subscription Based)

Nulled PHP Script MultiGig - Service / Gig Selling Freelancing Marketplace (Subscription Based) v1.0 NULLED

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MultiGig NULLED is Freelancer Hiring Marketplace where Seller can purchase pricing plans (monthly / yearly / lifetime / free) to sell their services / gigs.

Sellers can sell package based / quote based services. Sellers / Admin can use service checkout form builder to create forms & use those forms for service checkout page.

MultiGig provides Live Chat for each order for seller & customer conversation. Customers can also raise dispute agaist an order.
Sellers will be able receive their earnings by sending withdrawal requests to Admin. Admin can add different withdraw methods & setup forms for each withdraw method using form builder

MultiGig provides multilingual feature & RTL support for the frontend
It provides 10 automated online payment gateways – Paypal, Stripe, Mercadopago,, Mollie, Razorpay, PayTM, Instamojo, Paystack, Flutterwave. It also provides option to create unlimited offline payment methods

MultiGig also provides 3 different themes, QR Builder, Support Tickets, Admin Role / Permission, Website Base Color Configuration, Currency Setup System, Transcastions, Drag & Drop Menu Builder, Monthwise Earnings, Monthwise Profilts, Order Reports, Transcastions, Drag & Drop Menu Builder , Announcement Popup Builder & a lot more.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
92 Affichages
v1.0 NULLED Version
2 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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