Minitek Live Search

Joomla Plugin Minitek Live Search v5.0.1

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Minitek Live Search is the most advanced search engine for Joomla!
Based on the Joomla core component Smart Search, Minitek Live Search Search allows you to incorporate more advanced search features into your website.
  • Native support for all Joomla core content
  • Supports any 3rd party Joomla component that includes smart search - plugins (eg. K2, Easyblog and many more)
  • Scans the content of your website and builds and index for fast and intelligent searching
  • Suggests search terms as you type
  • If no results are found, suggests alternative search terms
  • Ajax driven
  • Highlights search terms in search results
  • Custom filters and filter groups
  • Beautiful and clean front-end interface
  • Supports template overrides
  • Can be used on multi-lingual websites
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
218 Affichages
v5.0.1 Version
2 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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Dernières mises à jour

  1. Changelog for Minitek Live Search 5.0.1

    5.0.1 Version 5.0.1 for Joomla 5.
  2. Minitek Live Search v4.3.2

    4.3.2 Fixed Display children nodes in back-end filters content maps. Fixed Display children...