Meta tags

Xenforo Plugin Meta tags v1.3

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Allows adding a descriptive title and description meta tag.

Meta tags are used by search engines to give your threads a title and description in their search results. Sometimes the thread title and description is not very descriptive. So for best SEO results, this add-on allows staff to easily provide a more detailed title and description for the meta tag.

(Example of Meta tabs link)


(Meta tags overlay)


(Example thread)


(Example of User group permissions)


  • All phrases start with metatags_ for your convenience.
User group permissions:

Typically the Administrative and Moderating user groups have the Meta tags set to Yes.

Database modifications:

This add-on adds two fields to the xf_thread table:

Questions and Answers:

Q: What is the maximum number of characters allowed for the meta title?
A: 150.
Q: What is the maximum number of characters allowed for the meta description?
A: 150.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
194 Affichages
v1.3 Version
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