Max Addons Pro for Bricks Builder

Nulled WordPress Plugin Max Addons Pro for Bricks Builder v1.10.0 NULLED

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== 1.10.0 ==
Release date: June 19, 2024

* New: Element - Stock Progress Bar
* New: Element - Free Shipping Bar
* New: Dynamic Tag - Free shipping remaining amount
* New: Dynamic Tag - Product stock quantity
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added option to show download button to allow users to download full size images
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Updated default width and height of Lightbox
* Enhancement: Video - Updated default width and height of Lightbox
== 1.9.0 ==
Release date: May 29, 2024

* New: Element - Nested Table
* New: Element - Dynamic Table
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added option to show videos directly from YouTube playlist or YouTube channel using API
* Enhancement: Random Image - Added HTML Tag option
* Enhancement: Random Image - Added Aspect Ratio option
* Enhancement: Random Image - Added Lightbox Animation option
* Fixed: Fluent Forms Styler - Editor placeholder was not showing when no form is selected
* Fixed: Gravity Forms Styler - Editor placeholder was not showing when no form is selected
* Fixed: Icon List - Editor placeholder was not showing when no list items are added
* Deprecation - Table element has been deprecated and replaced with Dynamic Table element. Table element will keep working for existing users who are using it but it will not be available for new users. New users can use the improved Dynamic Table element.
== 1.8.0 ==
Release date: May 1, 2024
* New: Element - Thumbnail Slider
* New: Element - Woo Buy Now Button
* New: Element - Woo Empty Cart Button
* New: Element - Woo Product Reviews
* Enhancement: Added MAX label to all the Max Addons elements shown in the structure panel
* Enhancement: Image Accordion - Added Label Direction option
* Enhancement: Image Accordion - Updated Stack On option to support all breakpoints
* Fixed: Modal Popup - Position of close button in Bricks editor
* Fixed: Image Accordion - Labels were not appearing in correct orientation in vertical layout
Download Max Addons Pro for Bricks Builder v1.7.1 Nulled Free
== v1.7.1 == Release date: April 25, 2024

* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added option to order filters in ascending or descending order
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Updated Fancybox lightbox to show images of selected filters only
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Layout was breaking when video description option is used
* Fixed: Tooltip - Tooltip was not working with Icon element
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Images were not showing in Metro layout
== 1.7.0 ==
Release date: April 4, 2024

* New: Element - Woo Product Gallery
* New: Element - Woo Product Image
* New: Custom Interactions
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - Best selling products to show best selling products from WooCommerce
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - Featured products to show featured products from WooCommerce
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - On sale products to show products on sale from WooCommerce
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - Top rated products to show top rated products from WooCommerce
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - Downloadable products to show digital downloadable products from WooCommerce
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - Product cross-sells to show cross sell products from WooCommerce
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - Product upsells to show upselling products from WooCommerce
* New: Max Woo Query Loop - Product gallery to show product gallery images from WooCommerce
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added Image ratio option
* Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Added support for all units for Spacing control
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Minor CSS glitch with thumbnail border radius
* Fixed: Content Ticker - Flash of unstyled content issue
* Fixed: Unfold - Spacing between button text and icon was not working for unfolded button
* Fixed: Reviews - Arrows were not showing
* Fixed: Reviews - Dots option was not working
* Fixed: Video - Sticky Video option was not working when no option is selected for Hide Sticky Video On option
== 1.6.2 ==
Release date: March 10, 2024
* Security Fix: Updated codebase for enhanced security
== 1.6.1 ==
Release date: March 1, 2024

* New: Added settings to activate/deactivate display conditions
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added Link Icon option
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added option to change Lightbox animation type
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added Metro layout option
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added Query loop option
* Enhancement: Video - Added Sticky Video option
* Enhancement: Album - Added option to change Lightbox animation type
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Dynamic Data type option was not showing
* Fixed: Table - PHP warning when Columns Background option is left empty
* Fixed: Table - Cell links were repeating over rows
== 1.6.0 ==
Release date: January 12, 2024

* New: Element - Rating
* New: Element - Album
* New: Max Query Loop - ACF Gallery to loop through acf gallery images
* Enhancement: Video - Added Start Time and End Time option for Youtube videos
* Enhancement: Video - Added Start Time option for Vimeo videos
* Enhancement: CTA Button - Added HTML tag option
* Enhancement: Multi Heading - Added custom tag option
* Enhancement: Image Accordion - Moved Title HTML Tag option from Settings section to Content section
* Enhancement: Performance improvements
* Fixed: Image Accordion - Item Label Type option was not working when Item Label or Title option was empty
Download Max Addons Pro for Bricks Builder v1.5.1 Nulled Free
== v1.5.1 == Release date: December 27, 2023

* Fixed: Video Gallery - Custom thumbnail option was not working with File URL option
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Image size option was not working in Filter gallery
* Fixed: Reviews - PHP error when profile image url is not set
== 1.5.0 ==
Release date: October 24, 2023
* New: Conditions - Added some advanced display conditions
* New: WooCommerce Conditions - Added conditions based on WooCommerce product and cart pages
* New: Max Query Loop - Max Query Loop extends Bricks query loop with new query options
* New: Dynamic Tag - Loop Index
* Enhancement: Image Accordion - Added Item Label option to show label/title on closed items
* Enhancement: Image Accordion - Added On Mouse Out option
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Video URL option was not working with dynamic tags