MaroCMS - Business CMS

PHP Script MaroCMS - Business CMS v3.1

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MaroCMS is a simple to use, efficient content management system with an impressive features set. MaroCMS is created to help you build a 100% responsive and exclusive classified website based on latest version of the most popular PHP framework Codeigniter.


  • Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
  • Login System, Admin control panel system with full options
  • Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).
  • Flexible and easy Control Panel to mange the website.
  • Friendly with SEO for website, blog and albums.
  • Awesome Design for Website and admin panel
  • Fully Responsive for Website and admin panel
  • Clean Code with hight performance.
  • Easy Customization
  • Trendy website interface included.
    • Home page includes: Dynamic slider images.
      • Dynamic slider images with content.
      • List of services
      • Latest 6 projects
      • Testimonials of your clients
      • Your Partner
      • Ads
    • About Us page with more details and the list of team members
    • Single page for each service with more features and related services
    • Portfolio page that projects filtered on services categories
    • Blog posts page
    • Single page of blog post
    • FAQs page included the the clients frequently questions with answer
    • Contact form to make your client reach you easily by adding list of contact information and your location on google map.
    • Comments, share and react for blog posts using disqus.
  • Admin(You)mange:
    • website settings(Logo, Favicon, Website Description, Personal contact information, Social media links)
    • Manage Search Engine optimization tools for meta description and meta keywords
    • Dashboard Analytics has summery of everything happen ( count of views and visitors, latest blog posts added, latest sessions added, count number for all sessions and images and blog posts with its categories).
    • About us Details with many features using text editor with full options
    • Team members in your company
    • Sliders and its Content
    • Adding another admins to manage website.
    • Services with more options
    • Partners of your business
    • unlimited general pages ex. terms, sitemap and privacy page using text editor with full options
    • Projects that you almost done with more details
    • Faqs with questions and answer
    • unlimited Blog categories
    • Unlimited Blog posts
    • Unlimited Services with more details
    • Unlimited ads otherwise google ds code or upload image and choosing its locations
    • Testimonials with more details
  • more amazing features is coming up.
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v3.1 Version
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