MainWP Wordfence Extension

MainWP Wordfence Extension v4.0.8

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Download Free MainWP Wordfence Extension Nulled Addon
The Wordfence Extension combines the power of your MainWP Dashboard with the popular Wordfence Security Plugin (almost 3 million downloads). It allows you to scan your child sites for security issues, monitor live traffic and to manage Wordfence settings across your network and all from your Dashboard!
Take control of security across your Network!
The Wordfence Extension combines the power of your MainWP Dashboard with the popular Wordfence Security Plugin (almost 3 million downloads).

It allows you to scan your child sites for security issues, monitor live traffic and to manage Wordfence settings across your network and all from your Dashboard!
Features overview:
  • Scan all your Child sites with one button
  • See Scan results directly in your MainWP Dashboard
  • See Live Traffic for your Child Sites
  • Block or Unblock users and crawlers from your Dashboard
  • Control all your Wordfence settings from 1 place
  • Set scheduled scans for once a day, twice a day, once a week or once a month
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
137 Affichages
v4.0.8 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. MainWP Wordfence Extension v.4.0.8

    = 4.0.8 - 12-7-2022 = * Preventative: Multiple security improvements