MainWP Team Control Extension

MainWP Team Control Extension v4.0.3

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The Team Control Extension allows you to create your team and arrange the WordPress management tasks among your team members. With a few clicks you can create your custom roles and set custom privileges to created roles.
Get your Team on board
The Team Control Extension allows you to create your team and arrange the WordPress management tasks among your team members. With a few clicks you can create your custom roles and set custom privileges to created roles.
This powerful tool will enable you to assign access privileges to certain child sites, dashboard functions and mainwp extensions.
Limit Permissions
Create Administrators, Managers, Authors, Editor,… and grant access to specific websites, functions and extensions.
Unlimited Users
Create Unlimited number of users on your dashboard to manager you child sites.
Easy to Use
This Extension is designed to be intuitive and easy to use allowing you to quickly start assigning specific roles to your team.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
141 Affichages
v4.0.3 Version
0 Téléchargements
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