Loyalty Program - Reward and loyalty points

Prestashop Plugin Loyalty Program - Reward and loyalty points v2.0.31

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Do you need a module to increase the recurring purchases? Do you want to increase your customers' loyalty? Do you want to sell more? Reward your customers with points for their purchases with the "Loyalty Program" module.
This module allows you to create a points program to build a lasting relationship and loyalty with your customers. Your customers will accumulate loyalty points with their orders that they can use later as a discount on their next purchases.

Increase customer loyalty
Increase the number of orders motivating your customers to make purchases to earn points - the more purchases they make, the more points they earn! This module will help you to turn your visitors into loyal and profitable customers.

This will be one more reason to buy in your shop and not in the one of the competition!

Increases order recurrence
You can set an expiration date on points earned by customers: if they don't use them for a few days, they expire, they lose them! For example, you can configure that the points have an expiration date of 6 months; your customers will have to make a purchase before 6 months in order not to lose their points!

Of course you can also configure that the points never expire, as you prefer ;)

Use the points to sell the products you are most interested in
You can assign points per product, so you can define a different ratio. For example you can set a ratio of "1 € = 1 point" for the best-selling products and award with the double of points with a ratio of "1 € = 2 points" for those products you are interested in promoting. Customers will receive more points (more discount on their next purchases) on those products you choose!

You can even assign a different ratio of points depending on the customer group. This way you can reward your best customers with more points.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
132 Affichages
v2.0.31 Version
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