Link manager

Xenforo Plugin Link manager v1.3

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Allows adding query parameter to links.

This add-on is useful if you want to add your forum domain as a query parameter to links in your posts. This way if the URL is copied to another web site, the query parameter shows where the link was copied from.


(Example of Options page)


How it works:
When a thread is viewed, links in posts which meet the the Options page criteria will have the appropriate query parameter added.

Questions and answers:

Q: Why don't I don't see the query parameter added to the link?
A: Due to the way new posts are displayed after saving, the query parameter will not be added. You have to reload the page to see the query parameter. Also note that only when you hover over the link will you see the query parameter at the bottom of your browser.

Q: Are there any permissions for this add-on?
A: No.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
231 Affichages
v1.3 Version
0 Téléchargements
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