Kronos Automatic Post Expirator Plugin for WordPress

Kronos Automatic Post Expirator Plugin for WordPress v1.2.8 Nulled

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What Can You Do With This Plugin?​

Kronos Automatic Post Expirator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge post expirator (auto deleter) plugin. It uses a built-in wp-cron engine to automatically delete posts, as you define in it’s settings!
Kronos Post Expirator plugin allows the page admin to set expiration dates for both posts and pages and any custom post type you have active on the current WordPress installation. There are a number of different ways that the posts can expire:
  • older/newer selection
  • by fixed date – posts older/newer than 21/01/2010
  • by relative date – posts older than 30 days
Other post filtering options:
  • post author name
  • post category
  • post tags
  • post title
  • post comment status
  • post ping status
  • ignore sticky posts
  • post meta key/meta value
  • post type
  • post status
  • post slug
  • post search keywords
Other plugin features:
  • republish old posts
  • delete posts permanently or move them to trash
  • set old posts as draft or pending
  • reset publish date for old posts, to the current time (refresh posts) – video
  • detailed plugin activity logging
  • scheduled cleanup running (using wp-cron)
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185 Affichages
v1.2.8 Nulled Version
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